
Conhecidos do tempo de escola,
Conhecidos pensam que são amigos,
"Vizinhos só fazem número",
Outros andaram na noite comigo...
Parentes estão por educação,
Outros lá estão por minha boa vontade,
Meus "amigos" eu sei quem são,
Outros apenas invadem minha privacidade...
Amigos que não são amigos e amigos que eu nunca vi,
Amigos que não eram amigos e hoje são meu motivo de existir,
Mulheres que me desprezam, ou que me querem, ou que nunca vi,
Mulheres que eu quero e que não me querem ou que já comi!

1 comentários:

Anonymous disse...

Hey, you have a great blog here. I know this has nothing to do with your site but I have a new blog that I'm just starting and I could really use some help. I'm not to sure what I should write about. I gave my blog a cool title which seems to attract visitors:

but I only have one post on it at the moment. Have you got any suggestions??? Take a look if you get the chance. I want my blog to be cutting edge...a good read. lol...your'll understand when you see it!

The other site I have is a work from home site. Its all about, need I say it, working from home. I think people should have the choice to build their own income instead of somebody else’s. Freedom of well being and all of that...anyway take a look see what you think.

Keep up the good work, I'll be back to visit + I'll be at any suggestions you have about my blog.


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